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lundi 4 septembre 2017
par  Carol LARREY
popularité : 34%

Paris is one of the most visited capitals in the world. Even so, it’s easy to pass by some very precious sites ! By following this guide through the streets of Paris or from the comfort of a recliner, you will discover places that are ignored by most tourists.

Here’s an invitation to learn about the turbulent times Christians faced in years past. No need to be familiar with French history ; short and simple narratives will lead the way. Spiced with unexpected events and anecdotes, they will take you to the heart of this historic heritage.

To go even further, the excursions are enriched with biblical texts and spiritual thoughts to better understand the conflicts and learn from the past.

Bonne découverte !


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Le livre « Ces lieux qui parlent » est disponible en français.

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Prix : 19€ + port

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